Today was the KL Photo Essay workshop organized by Sony for the Alpha users. The task was quite straightforward: go in a group of 3, take 6 photos that best describe the title "Uniquely KL".
Alas, I sucked pretty bad when asked to shoot free style. I don't know... I just need to have a defined target when I shoot. That's why I can pretty much shoot anything; portrait, macro, concert, cars etc but not free style. I have zero ideas for a compelling storyline..
Instead, me and a few friends ended up having lunch and drinking Teh Ais. On the way back though, spotted this sorry looking flag hanging out a window.

In one of the busiest street of KL, with the DBKL HQ just less than 1km away. As we walked back towards the workshop venue, there were more flags in such conditions. In plain view of the thousand of Malaysians passing by everyday.

It really makes you wonder: what's the meaning of the flag? A symbol of our nation, a source of pride and inspiration or just another piece of decoration we put up in August but never bother to take back down....